Metered and Controlled Dosing Devices for
Medical Delivery Systems
Topical, Oral, Unit Dose & Multi-Dose Devices

Hands -Off Delivery of Topical Gels & Creams
Medical and prescription-based products have been adapting to topical gels and creams which carry levels of drug potencies requiring metered applications. AMD Pens can be customized to deliver very accurate dosing for such drugs.
Veterinary administration on companion animals to farm breeds have taken advantage of our devices. Custom applicator tips can be applied to our pens for hands-off non-abrasive delivery and a carefree approach to your pets.

Pre-Filled Unit Dose Caps for Liquids & Powders
The CaPod pre-filled measured unit dose caps are perfect for controlled pharmaceutical dosing of powders, granules, and liquid medications.
CaPods can be designed for large or small doses of medication that require administration in a liquid suspension.
Custom CaPods can include design, fabrication, custom labelling, and branding. They fit on any standard bottle dimension thread specification.
AccuSpot Controlled Flow Rate Applicator
The AccuSpot controlled flow rate applicator is designed to adapt to a requirement for surface transfer. The convenient applicators con be produced with customized tip for the surface point of contact.
Customizable fill volumes, flow rates, and body configurations make the applicator ideal for controlled delivery of topical liquids. AccuSpot may be custom-labeled and branded.
Let's Get Started
We can develop the right metered dosing & controlled dispensing delivery system for your products.

Providing metered drug delivery and controlled prescription-based administration for consistent applications.